Academic Student Employees (TA/Reader/Tutor)

MAE ASE Applications are Open for Spring 2025!

Spring 2025

Apply Here:

Deadline to apply: 02/14/2025

  • To be eligible for employment as an ASE in the MAE department, you must be available to work and physically present on campus from the first day of the quarter through the eGrades submission deadline


  • The MAE department employs Academic Student Employees (ASE) (Teaching Assistants (TA), Readers, and Tutors) during each quarter of the academic year as well as during Summer Session. These positions are allocated based on course enrollment, and positions are filled on a quarterly basis through an application and selection process.  MAE graduate students, MATS graduate students, and MAE undergraduate students will be notified via email when applications are open.
  • Only the MAE Student Affairs Office can extend an official offer of employment.
  • Please review the UC San Diego GEPA ASE website for the most comprehensive and up-to-date information regarding ASE positions.

Tips to Improve Your Chances of an Offer

  • Apply early. MAE generally opens the ASE Application during week 4 or 5 of the preceding quarter. Instructors begin selecting students the following week, so we recommend submitting an application as soon as possible.
  • Apply to more than one department. ASE positions in MAE are not guaranteed so we recommend that you submit an application to multiple departments. Some departments advertise their applications via email, some post their applications on their department websites, and some post their positions on the Open Positions website.
  • Set course preferences. When instructors review applications, their lists are organized by applicant preference. We recommend selecting (and ranking) all courses for which you are qualified (including introductory courses).
  • Do your best. If and when you are hired, take your responsibilities seriously and encourage all of your students and your instructor to complete the TA evaluation at the end of the quarter. These evaluations are taken into consideration when instructors are selecting TAs, and positive evaluations will increase your chances of being hired again in the future.


  • Only graduate students may serve as TA's. Priority is given to PhD students.
  • Undergraduate students may serve as Readers or Tutors. 
  • Please review the Graduate Student eligibility requirements
  • Graduate students must be registered full-time to work 20-hours per week (50% employment) or registered half-time to work 10-hours per week (25% employment) during the working quarter. 
  • Undergraduate Students must be registered full-time with an overall GPA of at least 3.0.
  • Students may work up to 100% during the summer.

After You Receive an Offer

  • Accept the Offer in the IA System. 
  • Review the appointment letter. The appointment letter includes important information such as the position start and end date, percent time, salary, instructor of record, and health insurance coverage.
  • Review the Description of Duties that accompanied the offer. 
  • Review the Roles of ASEs as defined by GEPA. 
  • Complete hiring paperwork, if needed (new hires).
  • Log into UC Path- Your First Time in UC Path.
  • Readers/Tutors- Login to EcoTime to enter hours worked.
  • Contact the Instructor of Record.
    • Please use Blink to obtain the contact information for your instructor of record.
  • Complete all required training:
  • International Students

Salary and Fee Remission
