Directed Energy Weapons

Dr. James Trebes

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Seminar Information

Seminar Series
Mechanics & Materials

Seminar Date - Time
December 6, 2023, 11:00 am

Seminar Location
EBU2, Room 584



Are they the weapons of the future? Will they always be the weapons of the future? Are they about to start making a difference?  The current status of the development and use of directed energy weapons will be covered. Included topics are: some history, the military need, opportunities and challenges, some of the technology, current U.S. and foreign systems, lethality, technical needs, education needs, and a possible future.

Speaker Bio

Dr. James Trebes holds a BS in Physics from Georgia Tech and a PhD in Physics from Yale University. He has worked at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in a diverse range of roles and in a diverse range of areas. He has served as a staff scientist, group leader, and division leader. He has carried out technical work on x-ray lasers, laser fusion, x-ray imaging, detectors, nuclear weapons physics and engineering, medical technology, biophysics, biodefense, military special operations technology, special space technology, and nuclear non-proliferation including work in both Russia and Libya. While at Livermore he served as the Physics Division Leader (2008-2019). He served as the Department of Defense Principal Physicist for Directed Energy (2019-2020) and as the Department of Defense Principle Director for Directed Energy (2020-2022). He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society.