Marine boundary layers with submesoscale surface heterogeneity: LES results

Peter Sullivan

Senior Scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research
University of Colorado Boulder

Seminar Information

Seminar Series
Fluid Mechanics, Combustion, & Engineering Physics

Seminar Date - Time
November 6, 2023, 3:00 pm

Seminar Location
Hybrid: In Person & Zoom (connection in link below)

Engineering Building Unit 2 (EBU2)
Room 479

Seminar Recording Available: Please contact seminar coordinator, Jake Blair at (

Peter Sullivan


The upper ocean is a busy place abundant with vortices, density filaments, fronts and surface waves spanning horizontal scales in the range 0.1 to 10 km, \ie the so-called ocean submesoscale regime. To investigate possible mechanical and thermodynamical impacts of a heterogeneous ocean surface we have carried out process studies using large eddy simulations with nearly $10^10$ gridpoints with varying ocean surface boundary conditions.  In one family of simulations atmospheric boundary layer dynamics are coupled to a circular ocean eddy. As expected ocean currents generate heterogeneity in momentum fluxes but surprisingly also generate swaths of heterogeneity in the surface temperature fluxes. As a result ocean currents can indirectly induce secondary circulations that impact the full atmospheric boundary layer; the impact depends on the stratification. Next we examine the evolution and role of ocean turbulence in the instability, arrest, and decay (\ie the lifecycle) of a cold dense filament undergoing frontogenesis in the upper-ocean boundary layer.  Two control parameters are explored: the initial frontal strength $M^2 =\partial_x b$ and the surface flux $Q_*$.  The former is more consequent: initially weaker fronts sharpen more slowly and become arrested at a later time with a larger width.  This reflects a competition between the frontogenetic rate induced by the secondary circulation associated with vertical momentum mixing by the turbulence and the instability rate for the along-filament shear flow.  The frontal turbulence is energized by the shear production of the latter, is non-locally transported away from the primary production zone at the filament centerline, and cascades to dissipation in a broad region surrounding the filament.  The turbulent momentum fluxes arresting the frontogenesis are supported across a wide range of horizontal scales. We briefly discuss the role of surface waves in the frontogenetic process.

Speaker Bio

Dr. Sullivan's research interests are: simulations and measurements of turbulence in geophysical settings, subgrid-scale modeling, air-sea interaction, effects of surface gravity (water) waves on marine boundary layers, impacts of stratification, turbulent flow over hills, and numerical methods. He uses large-eddy and direct numerical simulations to investigate turbulent processes in both the atmospheric boundary layer and the ocean mixed layer. These turbulence simulation codes run on large parallel supercomputers. Dr. Sullivan has participated in and planned field campaigns, Horizontal Array Turbulence Study , Ocean Horizontal Array Turbulence Study, and Canopy Horizontal Array Turbulence Study focused on the measurement of subgrid scale variables in the atmosphere.