Autonomous Mobile Robot Challenges and Opportunities in Domain and Mission Complex Environments

Bruce Morris

Deputy Director of Future Concepts and Innovation at Naval Special Warfare Command

Seminar Information

Seminar Series
Dynamic Systems & Controls

Seminar Date - Time
May 6, 2021, 12:00 pm

Seminar Location



Increased autonomy can have many advantages, including increased safety and reliability, improved reaction time and performance, reduced personnel burden with associated cost savings, and the ability to continue operations in communications-degraded or denied environments. Artificial Intelligence for Small Unit Maneuver (AISUM) envisions a way for future expeditionary tactical maneuver elements to team with intelligent adaptive systems. Accordingly, it opens analyses of how such teaming will greatly enhance mission precision, speed, and mass in complex, contested, and congested environments. The ultimate aim in this effort is to reduce risk to missions and our own force, partners, and civilians. AISUM provides competitive advantage in the changing physics of competition space via robotic autonomous systems in dense urban clutter (interior, exterior, subterranean) and dynamic, spectrum-denied areas, with no prior knowledge of the environment in support of human-machine teams for tactical maneuver and swarming tactics.

Speaker Bio

Bruce Morris currently serves as the Deputy Director of Future Concepts and Innovation at Naval Special Warfare Command. In this role, he is responsible for leading the SEAL Teams in their strategic and practical application of digital modernization to enable Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Mobile Robotics in Human-Machine Teaming for asymmetric competitive advantage. The Future Concepts and Innovation Team was founded in 2016, under Dr. Morris’ strategic guidance, to explore and exploit innovation methodology, venture capital, and emerging technologies for U.S. Special Operations and the greater National Security ecosystem.

A native of San Diego and a third-generation Naval Officer, Bruce has dedicated his life in the service our great nation and to the community of San Diego. Bruce received his commission from the United States Naval Academy, graduating in 1988 with a degree in Mathematics. Immediately following graduation, he then reported to his hometown of Coronado, CA for Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL Training with class 158. Bruce’s service as a Navy SEAL Officer, Information Warfare Officer and government civilian span over 30 years and represents a cross section of leadership roles and the consistent innovative applications of science and technology on the battlefield and in garrison. Additionally, he holds an MS in Meteorology and Physical Oceanography and a PhD in Physical Oceanography from the Naval Postgraduate School with a focus on Numerical Modelling and Ocean Dynamics.

Bruce is the recipient of the CAPT Harry T. Jenkins Memorial Award for Community Service. His in-service professional awards include the Bronze Star Medal with Combat Distinguishing Device, Meritorious Service Medal, Combat Action Ribbon, other personal and unit awards to include the Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Award.