Triton Racing strikes again with another top 10 finish at the international FSAE Lincoln competition!

UC San Diego's Triton Racing strikes again with another top 10 finish at the international FSAE Lincoln competition!  After many long nights and months of preparation for the event, Triton Racing's final product TR-18 was complete and ready to compete. The team has poured hours upon hours designing, machining, assembling, and testing their racecar throughout the past year, and their work has paid off in another successful competition. Despite minor setbacks the team faced at Lincoln such has the rigorous technical inspections as well as Nebraska's unforeseen downpours, they managed to pull themselves together and get their heads back in the game. With many early, hasty mornings making sure the car was ready to go, TR-18 was able to perform better than a majority of the competing vehicles across all four dynamic events while also surviving the dreadful endurance race. The team also worked hard in preparation for all of their static events, which included the cost report, the business presentation, and the design presentation and as a result scored higher in every category than the previous year. In the end, Triton Racing placed 8th out of 72 other universities from around the world, with the honor of being one of three schools that made the top 10 for the second year in a row and the honor of being the best performing university from California!