Sonia Martinez and Jorge Cortes receive an ARPA-E grant, "Distributed Grid Control of Flexible Loads and DERs for Optimized Provision of Synthetic Regulating Reserves"

A new project on the coordination of distributed energy resources that has MAE Prof. Sonia Martinez (as PI) and Prof. Jorge Cortes (as co-PI) has been selected for a competitive award of $2.34 million in funding from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E). Other team members include William Torre (CER, UC San Diego), Prof. Tajana Simunic-Rosing (CSE, UC San Diego), and Byron Washom (RMP, UC San Diego), Prof. Alejandro Dominguez (University of Illinois), and Prof. Peter Sauer (University of Illinois). The funding, provided through the Network Optimized Distributed Energy Systems (NODES) program, will be used to advance the integration of renewable generation in the power grid (rooftop, community solar resources), and to shape the electric load profile by means of advanced distributed controls.

And then more information about the 12 selected projects can be found here: